Monday, July 18, 2011

WebBroker .Exe Application and IIS 6.0

If you develop WebBroker using WindowsXP (and IIS 5.0), you've no doubt encountered issues when deploying under Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0.

Make sure to add your WebBroker application to the "Web Service Extensions" under IIS Management Console, otherwise, IIS will simply ignore your application and return a 404 error.

1. Right click on "Web Service Extensions" and click "Add a new Web service extension

2. enter the Extension name, such as, "EmailSubscribe" and then add a reference to the .EXE application.

Flah Bam!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Delphi 2010 WSDL Importer Bug

I just spent 4 hours trying to consume a simple sales tax web service with Delphi 2010. After scouring the Internet, I found an article by Dr. Bob explaining how the new versions (post D7) of the Delphi WSDL Importer are buggy.

So, I opened trusty ole D7, imported the WSDL, and consumed said web service in about 3 minutes.

Tags: delphi, consume, web, service, soap, error, wsdl, importer

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Delphi 2010 Migration Woes No. 1

The migration to Delphi 2010 has been a smooth experience, so far. Most, if not all issues are caused by string conversions from AnsiString to Unicode. Here's one:

Windows call

Buffer: array[0..1023] of char;
Result := windows.GetTempPath (SizeOf(Buffer), Buffer));

Since unicode chars are two bytes instead of one, the result of SizeOf is twice as long as expected.

Solve by using length, which results in the number of characters, not bytes.

Result := windows.GetTempPath(length(Buffer), Buffer));

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Using SQL 'Like' Conditions in TDataset Filters

In Delphi, you can emulate an SQL LIKE condition using a TDataset Filter by using an asterisk wildcard characters. For example:

SQL -- WHERE FirstName Like %JOHN% (will return JOHN and JOHNNY)
Filter -- Firstname = '*JOHN*'

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Delphi 2007 Installation Problems

If you're having any one (or all) of the following issues while attempting to uninstall, reinstall, repair, modify or upgrade your Delphi 2007 installation

'A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file

'Unable to uninstall old version of RAD Studio. Please
uninstall it yourself using the Control Panel Add-Remove Programs before
attempting to install this product again. Fatal error during installation.'

'HAS_SLIP' error just as you load the installer.

You probably need to uninstall your current installation entirely before attempting to reinstall. Refer to the CodeGear artice here. You will need to download the Microsoft MSI Cleanup Utility and remove 'Rad Studio 5.0'. You should also delete Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0 directory.

Good luck.

Monday, February 25, 2008